Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik
  • Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard MekanikWireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik

Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik

Ing ngisor iki minangka introduksi kanggo Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Mechanical Keyboard, HUO JI ngarep-arep bisa mbantu sampeyan luwih ngerti aksesoris periferal Komputer. Welcome pelanggan anyar lan lawas kanggo terus kerjo bareng karo kita kanggo nggawe mangsa luwih apik bebarengan!

HUO JI Wireless Bluetooth 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik Keyboard Mekanik kanthi switch abang lan efek lampu latar RGB.

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· 【Keyboard Kustom sing bisa diganti panas】 Switch lan keycaps bisa diganti kanthi bebas (keycap / switch puller kalebu ing paket). . Papan tombol mekanik Z-99 dilengkapi switch clicky sing wis dilumuri, nggawa perasaan ngetik tactile lan swara ngetik sing nyenengake, menehi respon cepet kanggo game sing nyenengake.

· 【Keyboard Game Mekanik】Z-99 minangka keyboard mekanik premium kanggo kerja lan game. Kanthi 15 efek cahya RGB kanggo nambah atmosfer gedhe kanggo kamar game. Kabeh tombol ndhukung kustomisasi makro, sing ngidini ngrekam lan nyunting makro, ngatur fungsi tombol lan 16,8 yuta werna cahya.

· 【Struktur Gasket & Slotting Tombol Tunggal PCB】 Papan tombol komputer iki nduweni struktur gasket, pad silikon terpadu sing diperluas, lan slotting tombol tunggal PCB, luwih apik ngoptimalake daya tahan lan stabilitas, nggawe tangan luwih alus lan luwih elastis. Lima lapisan ngisi silencer ngisi celah ing antarane PCB, piring posisi lan poros, kanthi efektif nglawan swara swara rongga poros sing nggegirisi piring posisi, lan menehi rasa sing padhet.

· 【PBT Keycaps & Baterei 3000mAh】99 tombol Tata letak keyboard kompak 90% bisa ngirit ruang desktop luwih akeh nalika tetep tombol panah lan area nomer sing dibutuhake kanggo game lan karya. Baterei kapasitas gedhe 3000mAh sing bisa diisi ulang kanggo nyedhiyakake daya luwih akeh lan umur baterei luwih dawa. Dobel dijupuk PBT keycaps, digawe saka rong werna materi nyetak menyang saben liyane, nggawe karakter keycaps njaga geter lan jenuh, cetha lan ora luntur.

Hot Tags: Bluetooth Nirkabel 2.4G 94 tombol Keyboard Mekanik, China, Produsen, Pemasok, Pabrik
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